Sun. Bible Study: 9:00am ~ Worship: 10:15am | Wed. Dinner: 5:30pm ~ Activities: 6:15pm
5011 Liberty Road, Greensboro, NC 27406

Worship & Praise

Sunday Morning Worship

Worship begins on Sunday mornings at 10:15am and it is a blended service, incorporating all types of elements of the traditional and contemporary, using various musical styles throughout the service from week to week as well as utilizing different types of musical ensembles. Our goal is to encourage everyone to participate in joyful worship together regardless of personal preferences.

If you are unable to join us in person, you can find the service streaming live on our YouTube channel. You can also listen on the radio at 87.9FM from the church parking lot.

Sunday, March 30, 2025

On Sunday, Karen Sherin will be sharing the message. Her sermon is entitled Path to the Cross: Obedience and Preparation and the scripture comes from Isaiah 40:1-5 (NIV).

All of the following music ministries are open to everyone, so stop by a rehearsal or contact Rubianne Ochs for more information on how to become involved.

The adult choir is a group of people from all backgrounds that meets each week to rehearse music for our Sunday morning worship services and other special services throughout the year. The adult choir sings all sorts of musical styles. Our main purpose is to bring glory to God through worship. The adult choir is open to all adults graduated from the youth group and beyond.

Rehearsals: Wednesdays 7:00-8:00pm, sanctuary; Sundays 10:00-10:15am, choir room

No audition required

Childcare available upon request

We have a vocal ensemble that participates in the Sunday morning worship services.

Rehearsals: Sundays 9:45-10:00am, sanctuary; Sundays 5:00-6:00pm, sanctuary

No audition required

An important part of our worship and praise is the multimedia team. Volunteers assist with running the audio, video streaming, or projection for our Sunday morning worship services. While it helps to be a technical person, training is offered to anyone interested in being a part of this ministry.

From time to time, our congregation enjoys special programs from our choirs which range in style from a simple children’s program to a beautiful cantata to a musical complete with drama, set, lights and costumes. Anyone interested in participating is welcome to make a short-term commitment to one of these special events.

The purpose of our worship team is to evaluate all aspects of our worship services and look for new ways to encourage our congregation in the joyful worship of our Lord Jesus Christ. The worship team also helps in the implementation of special services during Holy Week, Thanksgiving, Advent, and other special times throughout the year.