Who We Are
Southeast Baptist Church is a caring community of believers who seek to have a faithful relationship with Jesus Christ.
It is our sincere hope to be a community:
- that will truly express the “sweet aroma of Christ” to everyone we meet (2 Corinthians 2:15);
- that can experience spiritual nurture and grow and mature in their faithful relationship with Christ and one another;
- that compassionately reaches out to others in need;
- that offers joyful and meaningful worship in a variety of ways;
- where lives are transformed by the living presence of a triune God as revealed and inspired through the word of God and the faithful witness of all who believe.
Paul said, “We are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advanced for us to do.” (Ephesians 2:10, NIV) It is our goal here at Southeast to do good works and demonstrate Christ’s example of love to others. We desire to bring others to this place so they, too, can experience a life changing relationship with Christ.
We gladly invite you to come to our community of faith for worship, Bible study, missions or just conversation around the table.
Read about our church’s history.
What We Offer
Bible Study & Service Times
We have a Sunday morning Bible study for all ages beginning at 9:00am. Our worship service begins at 10:15am. Check out our YouTube channel for a livestream of our Sunday morning service. Each Wednesday, we have prayer time and Bible study in the fellowship hall at 6:15pm.
On Wednesdays, Bob Morton will be facilitating a study from Jonathan Moorhead’s study “How Should Christians Speak?”
Rev. Thomas Bounds, a candidate for the interim pastor position, will be speaking from the pulpit on Sunday, April 6 and on Wednesday, April 9, he will join us during Bible study time to introduce himself and answer questions from the congregation.
Sunday Fellowship Lunch
Every third Sunday of the month, the church family meets to share a lunch together. No sign up is needed and everyone is welcome-we meet under the portico after worship! *There will be no fellowship lunch in April because of Easter.*
Wednesday Night Dinner
Each Wednesday, we offer a dinner in the fellowship hall at 5:30pm. Cost of the meal is $7.50 for one person, $15.00 maximum per family. If you have never joined us for Wednesday night dinner before, your first meal is on us! Reservations are requested by noon on Mondays. Please contact the church office, text ‘Dinner’ to 336-920-7322, or click here to make or update a reservation!
Guest parking and handicapped parking is available in our parking lot and is clearly marked on the parking spaces. For easy access to the sanctuary, fellowship hall, and all classrooms on the main level, please use the portico entrance.
We have classes/childcare available for all kids during all of our Bible studies and worship services. Your child’s safety is important to us and if you would like more information, you can review our Child Protection Policy.
Listening Assistance/Assistive Technology
Our sanctuary is equipped with assisted listening devices and we also have iPads available for a closer view of what is on our sanctuary screens during the worship service.
Photo and Video Policy
The purpose of this policy is to let you know that at Southeast Baptist Church we value the way in which photos, videos, and other media help our faith community grow and flourish. Photos and videos tell our story, provide visitors information and an idea of what to expect when they attend our worship services and events, highlight the work of those who serve, and allow us to communicate our mission as a church for people who don’t go to church via our website and other digital media.
Accordingly, photography, videography, live streaming and other recordings may be in progress at Southeast Baptist Church’s church services, ministry activities, classes, programs, and other church events. Southeast Baptist Church may use photographs and media recorded at these events in materials produced by or for the church, including, but not limited to our bulletins, posters, brochures, newsletters and other printed and electronic materials, and digital media (e.g., Southeast Baptist Church’s website, Facebook, YouTube, and other social media sites).
By participating in Southeast Baptist Church’s church services, ministry activities, classes, programs, and other events:
- You consent to being photographed, videotaped, or otherwise recorded;
- You grant your permission for Southeast Baptist Church to use recordings containing your image, likeness, voice or statements, without compensation, credit or other consideration to you, for Southeast Baptist Church’s promotional, publicity and other purposes, throughout the world and in perpetuity;
- And you agree to release, hold harmless and indemnify Southeast Baptist Church from any and all liabilities and claims involving the use of your image, likeness, voice, or statements.
While we reserve the right to photograph and record church events, we strive to ensure that photography and videography are used in safe and positive ways. We will not knowingly and intentionally post any photo, video, or other recording that would be embarrassing, objectionable or hurtful to any clearly, personally identifiable individual in the recording.
Additionally, if you see a photo on the Southeast Baptist Church website or social media pages that includes you and/or your child and would prefer it to be removed, please contact Southeast Baptist Church at 336-674-9861. Please note we cannot remove your image from video or live stream messages. Please understand that Southeast Baptist Church has no control over the recording, use, and posting of images or other media by non-church staff (e.g., by community members, news outlets, etc.) and has no ability to remove such media from publications, including internet or social media sites, which are not run by Southeast Baptist Church.
Inclement Weather Procedures
In the event of inclement weather, we will post closing information on WFMY News 2 as soon as a decision is made. In addition to updating our website with closing information, we will also send an email to those on our email list, make a post on Facebook, and update our church sign. As for inclement weather on Wednesdays, we will follow school closings. If Guilford County Schools is closed for inclement weather, we will not have Wednesday evening activities that night.