Spring 2025 Soccer Information
Games (Saturdays only) are March 15 – April 26 (with the exception of April 19, Easter weekend). Make-up date will be Saturday, May 3. Game times are 9:00am and 10:15am.
Spring 2025 Schedule

Soccer Field Layout

Any questions or concerns, please contact southeastsportsoutreach@gmail.com.
SESO Philosophy
Connect people of all ages in the Southeast Guilford Community with each other and Christ through recreational sports.
We will connect people of all ages in the Southeast Guilford Community with each other and Christ through recreational sports by providing…
- quality programs and coaching;
- safe and fun activities;
- emphasis on teamwork, character, and sportsmanship among all who participate;
- a Christ-like atmosphere that creates healthy relationships with families.
We are a league of encouragement. Coaches, referees, and parents play an important role encouraging all league participants, including one another.
We are a recreational/instructional league. We teach fundamental skills development in a loving, safe, and encouraging environment.
We believe, as coaches and administrators of this league, that the dreams and aspirations of our players are of premium importance.
We play games knowing there is usually a winner and a loser. Our players will be taught to play the game and to have fun while using their God-given talents to the best of their ability. The lessons of winning and losing will be kept in proper perspective and will be paramount in our coaching methods.
We believe in the important elements of good sportsmanship and will teach these values to our players. Good sportsmanship is defined as being a person who is fair, generous, a good loser, and a gracious winner. This is someone who accepts the rules, plays by them, and wins or loses by them.
We are committed far more to developing character in our players than to winning games. Character counts far more than the scoreboard.
We are committed to offering the safest and most secure environment possible.
We are committed to building a strong relationship to families and creating an atmosphere that is Christ-like for all participants.
The most important roles of the coach include:
- building relationships with the participants;
- teaching initiatives or athletic skills led by a team of qualified individual(s);
- striving to have a Christ-like attitude to all players and parents;
- looking out for the safety and security of all kids.
The league will strive to:
- involve parents and families as much as possible;
- focus on the game and not on the score;
- develop a winning attitude among all who participate.
Parents should be encouraging to the participants and look out for the safety and security of the kids.
- Coaches must be trained in the fundamental philosophy of this league and must be willing to implement it in their coaching style.
- The leadership team will provide regular equipping and evaluation for coaches.
- Coaches will ensure that all players will get equal playing time.
- We don’t encourage running up of scores when one team plays another who is less competitive, but at the same time we don’t want to impose a rule that restricts play and imposes burdensome requirements on coaches.
- We will always have someone around who knows first aid and CPR.
- We will ask coaches to fill out a background form in order to ensure safety.
- We ask that all participants, coaches, referees, leadership, volunteers, and families contribute to promoting an encouraging and Christ-like atmosphere.
- Failure to adhere to the rules may result in being asked to leave the premises for the game/practice and or the entire season without a refund.
- The league administrator or a designated leader of SESO will begin each game with prayer and a spiritual challenge.
Photo and Video Policy
The purpose of this policy is to let you know that at Southeast Baptist Church we value the way in which photos, videos, and other media help our faith community grow and flourish. Photos and videos tell our story, provide visitors information and an idea of what to expect when they attend our worship services and events, highlight the work of those who serve, and allow us to communicate our mission as a church for people who don’t go to church via our website and other digital media.
Accordingly, photography, videography, live streaming and other recordings may be in progress at Southeast Baptist Church’s church services, ministry activities, classes, programs, and other church events. Southeast Baptist Church may use photographs and media recorded at these events in materials produced by or for the church, including, but not limited to our bulletins, posters, brochures, newsletters and other printed and electronic materials, and digital media (e.g., Southeast Baptist Church’s website, Facebook, YouTube, and other social media sites).
By participating in Southeast Baptist Church’s church services, ministry activities, classes, programs, and other events:
- You consent to being photographed, videotaped, or otherwise recorded;
- You grant your permission for Southeast Baptist Church to use recordings containing your image, likeness, voice or statements, without compensation, credit or other consideration to you, for Southeast Baptist Church’s promotional, publicity and other purposes, throughout the world and in perpetuity;
- And you agree to release, hold harmless and indemnify Southeast Baptist Church from any and all liabilities and claims involving the use of your image, likeness, voice, or statements.
While we reserve the right to photograph and record church events, we strive to ensure that photography and videography are used in safe and positive ways. We will not knowingly and intentionally post any photo, video, or other recording that would be embarrassing, objectionable or hurtful to any clearly, personally identifiable individual in the recording.
Additionally, if you see a photo on the Southeast Baptist Church website or social media pages that includes you and/or your child and would prefer it to be removed, please contact Southeast Baptist Church at 336-674-9861. Please note we cannot remove your image from video or live stream messages. Please understand that Southeast Baptist Church has no control over the recording, use, and posting of images or other media by non-church staff (e.g., by community members, news outlets, etc.) and has no ability to remove such media from publications, including internet or social media sites, which are not run by Southeast Baptist Church.
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