Sun. Bible Study: 9:00am ~ Worship: 10:15am | Wed. Dinner: 5:30pm ~ Activities: 6:15pm
5011 Liberty Road, Greensboro, NC 27406


Southeast is a missional church; always seeking to advance the mission and message of Christ in the community and the world. The church has the awesome responsibility to discern, celebrate and participate in the mission of God as it proclaims the gospel to others.

The disciple Peter tells us, “But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,” (1 Peter 3:15). Our call in faith is to give an account of what God in Christ has done for us. We are responsible for our words, as well as our actions, but we are to do everything with gentleness and respect. The missional goal is to love God! Love people! Serve others! We do this by “doing it unto the least of these” (Matthew 25:40); by meeting those who have need.

Southeast seeks to be the hands and feet of God to a world in need. We have sought to do this through a variety of missional experiences:

Current Missional Opportunities

  • Each month, we collect something different for the Alamance Presbyterian Church Food Pantry. From now through the end of March, we are collecting peanut butter & jelly. A box is located just inside the glass doors leading into the sanctuary. We’ve also received a special immediate request for the following items: peanut butter, canned beans (pinto, kidney, etc.-not dried), canned meats, breakfast cereals, and toaster pastries.
  • If you would like to contribute money to Hurricane Helene Relief (HHR), please make your donations to Southeast Baptist Church and designate HHR. We will send your donations to either Baptists on Mission or CBFNC. We are also collecting gloves, coats, jackets, and blankets to donate.
  • For the month of April, we will be collecting Pop Tarts and dry cereal for the North Carolina Baptist Children’s Home Food Round-Up. We will be collecting from March 30-April 27 and a box will be located beside the sanctuary door near the office.
  • The Missions Committee invites you to join a team to assist members of our church with tasks where they need help: Outdoors, Indoors, Electronics, Food, and Crafts. Contact the church office for more information or to join or lead one of these missions groups.
  • Southeast Sports Outreach (SESO) is another opportunity we have to reach out and minister to our community through a low-cost and encouraging soccer program. Contact if you would like to help out with our spring or fall soccer seasons.

Ongoing/Past Missional Opportunities